About Us

Hey! I’m so glad you’re here! 
Thank you so much for taking the time to read a little more about me, my family, and our new business. I want to start off by introducing myself (Britni), my husband (Tyler), and our sweet baby boy (Carter). My husband and I met in 2018, got married in 2021, and had our son (Carter) in February of 2022. For a long as I can remember, I prayed that The Lord would give me a wonderful husband, a beautiful family, and allow me to be a stay at home Mama one day. I am here to tell you, he has answered my prayers and I am so very thankful for his blessings. I know that my purpose in life is to be a wife and a Mama, however, I don’t want it to stop there. Not only do I want to contribute to our family as well but I dream about being able to bless others through this business. I want to make a difference in peoples lives. 
This business has been a work in progress for… years. No lie. I have sat on a product design until I was forced (literally lol) by husband, to actually do something with it. With extreme hesitation and butterflies I submitted my design last year and am so happy that it has finally come to life! The hard work doesn’t stop here, in fact, it’s just getting started. 
If you’ve made it this far, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for following along, supporting our small business, and making our dreams come true. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and instagram for more information in the upcoming months. We can't wait to share all the things!!